
Perform all 6 exercises
Stationary Shot

Place ball about 12 yards out and take 10 shots right down the center of goal. 10x right and 10x left.

4 Corners

Place ball about 12 yards out and take a shot to all four corners of goal. 1x right and 1x left.

Rolling Shot

Roll the ball diagonally forward 2-3 yards and approach and take a shot of the moving ball. 20 right, 20 left.

Move to Shot

Place cone about 18 yards out and then walk back another 10 yards and place cone. Start at the far cone and dribble with pace towards goal and do a move at cone and then shot. Treat the second cone as a defender. Alternate the moves. 10 shots right, 10 shots left.

Diagonal Shot

Place cone about 18 yards out and then 10 yards from end of goal, so you're shooting from corner of the box. Roll the ball parallel to goal and take a shot. The shot should be diagonal towards goal. 10 shots right foot from left side, 10 shots left foot from right side.

Back to Goal Shot

Place cone about 18 yards out with your back to goal. Act like you have a defender on your back. When ready, dip shoulder one way to fake and take the outside of the foot and tap it out diagonally the other way and spin quickly to fire shot on goal. 10x right and 10x left.